Monday, December 31, 2012

A Photo a Day....

Hi! Welcome to my new blog - A Puppy Crazy Life! The name is courtesy of Brinkley and Reagan, who love to go "Puppy Crazy"! Project 365 is referring to a quest to take a picture of something and post it here EVERY DAY for ONE WHOLE YEAR. That's right, take at least ONE picture a day and upload it here. At the end of the year, I hope to have a wonderful diary of all the big and small moments in my world. Then, using Blurb, a website that will turn a blog into a photo book, I hope to have a wonderful diary of 2013. Now, where you all come in...PLEASE help me stay motivated and kindly remind me if I slack. For those of you that know me, taking pictures shouldn't be a problem, LOL, it's the uploading and talking about them that may be the challenge.  I hope you all take this journey with me and enjoy a peek inside all the large and small moments in my life.  I'm sure most of you will show up here one time or another!  Hope you all have a 2013 filled with wonderful memories, big and small! Happy New Year! Here we go.......

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