Thursday, January 3, 2013

Flu Stay Away - 3/365

It seems over the last couple days everyone I know, knows someone who has the flu or has had the flu or is around someone with the flu. It's starting to get a little freaky because it seems people are down for the count for nearly TWO WEEKS. It's awful! As the calender clicks along and we get closer to leaving for California, the more paranoid about getting sick I'm getting. So today, my mom and I decided to stop and get flu shots at Walgreens. I don't normally get flu shots either, the last one I had was when I was pregnant with Reagan and my doctor pretty much made me. LOL!
I know I'm probably a day late and a dollar short but any preventative measure I can take, besides drinking hand sanitizer, I'll take! :0)
 Here is me and my super cool band-aid from Walgreens.
 I did the doodle and took the pic myself, too! :0)


  1. Good for you on preventing it! My kiddos are old enough now that they get the mist with us, so no more pinches! cute "tattoo" ;-) In this picture you and Reagan look identical!! :-) Stay healthy my dear friends!!

    1. Thanks, Marlana! I should try that mist! Sounds better than a pinch! :)

    2. That's right, no one can be sick starting Jan. 19....!! TAKE CARE!!
      -LOVE, your CALI Mom~~

  2. Btw this is Marlana.. lol!

  3. Good for you I didn't get one! Can't believe how much I can see Reagan in this pic of you! :-) Karla

    1. Thanks Karla, I just hope it works and I'm not too late! LOL!

  4. I hear ya! I'm so nervous for Disney in February, I asked their dr if we could put them in a bubble! LOL. <3 Nik

    1. Oh I know Nik, I'm thinking about wearing a mask from now till then, too! I don't want to be sick for the trip either!! :) YUCK!

  5. Very cute picture for "Day 3" !! I guess We should have been getting them every year, anyway.... So good call! Just have to carry the antibacterial, spray the Lysol, eat healthy, and hope for the best! Excited for you guys and your Feb trip, too! Don't worry, everything will work out fine! Just HAVE FUN!! Love, Mom
