Thursday, January 10, 2013

Reagan's FIRST Haircut - 10/365

Today was a milestone moment for Reagan...she got her FIRST haircut! 
Mommy had an appointment at 9:00 to get spruced up so Nana brought her to Casal's around 11:00. Daddy even popped in to witness the moment.
 She started off with the typical stress reliever, which is a scalp, neck and hand massage. We then moved over to the shampoo bowl, she got sudsed up and then got her mini facial. That's just a warm towel on her face with some lotion to follow. Finally, we moved over to the stylist chair. Maggie was so wonderful with her and Reagan sat perfectly still and just chatted away! She ended up getting about an inch cut off which really helped her curls bounce back! All in all, I think she had a great time and even got a cherry sucker for good behavior.
Our little girl is getting too big!

1 comment:

  1. PRECIOUS PIC! Another special moment saved by a click of the shutter! What a cute milestone for you and Jim to share with your little princess! ♥, Mom
