Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Brinkley, RUN! - 16/365

Today was a traditional "Puppy Crazy" night at the Cvetkovic house.
Most evenings we have to have a "run" around the house. A lot of times it's just around and around the island in the kitchen....Reagan will shout, "Mama, run!" then you have to chase her. She makes you go a few times then it's, "Dada, run!" Well tonight, Brinkley took over. They ran circles around the playroom for a good 10 minutes! I was exhausted just watching. The giggles and screeches were hilarious! 
They really gave me some good practice shooting fast subjects...LOL. The picture isn't as sharp as I like them but it's improved.
  I love my "puppy crazy" life!

1 comment:

  1. I love the laughter of a captured that laughter...can you hear it? I can. Great shot
