Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Birthday! - 21/365

Today was my birthday! We started the day at Goofy's Kitchen for a character breakfast. It was a wonderful buffet and lots of characters! We saw Rafiki, Baloo, Snow White, Mulan, Chip and Dale, and of course Goofy! Reagan loved seeing all the characters but was a little intimidated around Rafiki. She hooked her little arms around my neck and would not let go, poor thing. We were all having a great time, when all of a sudden all the wait staff came over with a cupcake and buttons and broke out into Happy Birthday! It was hilarious and a little embarrassing, too! Today's picture is of my special cupcake and buttons....
The rest of the day we spent bumming around Hollywood and checking out the Walk of Fame. We even bumped into Jimmy Kimmel filming a man on the street interview. It was so neat to see him in person! We finished up in Hollywood and hit the beach in Santa Monica for awhile! Reagan loved the beach, but the water was FREEZING! She kept telling Jim to get in the water. She would say "Dada, get in water! Go ahead!" It was too funny! All in all, it was a fabulous way to spend a birthday!

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