Saturday, January 26, 2013

Fly the Friendly Skies - 26/365

This morning we woke up at 5:00am California time to head back to frigid Ohio. We all got ready and met the car downstairs. We arrived at LAX and security was a nightmare as usual. We had to wait outside on a covered bridge and the lady assisting the lines separated Jim and Reagan from my mom, dad and I. At first, we thought it was nice because then Reagan wasn't outside in the chilly air at 6:00am, but then, she sent Jim through security without us! He had bags, the stroller and baby but he made it through perfectly! We get to the gate to settle in and wait for boarding. We then find out our plane was delayed for an hour for REPAIRS...NICE. We had a layover in Houston that was only an hour so we immediately thought we would miss our connector. The desk clerk said if we missed our connector we would be stuck in Houston for FOUR hours and not get into Cleveland till midnight! YIKES! Thankfully, all went well and we made our connector. The flights were fabulous and we enjoyed a gorgeous sunset from the air! That is the photo of the day.

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