Monday, January 14, 2013

Draw a Pink Cat Cat - 14/365

Today my mom, Reagan and I had lunch at LaRocca's in Poland. We got our usual tossed salad and wedding soup, while Reagan had mac n cheese. 
I always have a baggie of crayons for Reagan to use while we wait for our food, she loves to color on the back of place mats. Today she INSISTED on me drawing a cat in EVERY COLOR we had. She would grab a color and say "Ma, draw a pink cat cat", so I would draw a pink cat. I would set the crayon down and she would pick up a new one and say "Ma, draw a blue cat cat", so I would draw a blue one. I drew A LOT of cats...LOL! She is just too funny, she was LOVING it!
 Although, I can't take credit for the sad cat, that was all Nana! LOL! 
Here is our masterpiece of a place mat as the photo of the day!

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