Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Juvenile Delinquent- 30/365

It seems we may be raising a juvenile delinquent. Today, my mom, Reagan and I were out running some errands for Reagan's birthday party. We were standing in line at JoAnn Fabrics and on the end caps by the register, they have all kinds of candy. Reagan kept saying "Reaga want yummy yummies." Which means, M&M's. I told her "No, we're going to lunch. You can't have yummy yummies for lunch". We got up to the check out with Reagan still sitting in the buggy. The cashier was ringing up all our stuff while we all just small talked. I happened to look over and Reagan had a bag of M&M's in her hands, that she got open somehow, and had chocolate all over her face. This all happened in a matter of 30 seconds, NO LIE! It was totally amazing! I gasped and said "Reagan! Oh my God! How did you do that!? You're just like a little thief!" The cashier got a big kick out of it and rang up the "theft" so we didn't get tackled at the door...LOL! I was too in shock to get a picture at the moment so we "staged" a little jail bird. Here is the photo of the day....

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