Thursday, January 17, 2013

Bye Bye, Bottles - 17/365

Today is a bittersweet day, we finally packed away Reagan's bottles and are bottle free.
 It's sad because our little girl is growing up, but it's fabulous to have some counter space We were only using them first thing in the morning and right before bed time, anytime other than that, she was using a sippy cup with a straw. We let her keep using the bottle because we loved the cuddle time at night during story time and in the morning during Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It was nice to have her recline back on us and cuddle while drinking. Her other sippy cups wouldn't allow that. I finally took the time to check out Babies R Us and found a sippy that is bottle like but
isn't...LOL! She can still recline but bottles are bye bye! She was starting to bite through all the nipples anyway. We were down to two...LOL!
 Bye Bye, bottles...Hello, big girl!

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