Sunday, January 27, 2013

Happy Birthday, Andrew! - 27/365

Today we spent the day trying to figure out what time it was. We all slept in till nearly 10:00am! Unheard of in this house! Reagan also started coughing pretty bad, too. We all just took it easy and spent most of the day in our pajamas. We were all supposed to head up to Matt and Nikki's in Amherst to celebrate our little nephew's 8th birthday. Being that Reagan was sick, we decided not to spread the "love", so Jim and Reagan stayed behind for the party. My mom and I headed up to celebrate and had a wonderful time at the Angry Birds party! It was so great to see everyone and spend time together! Family time is always great! 
 Happy Birthday, sweet Andrew! We love you and are so proud of the wonderful young man you are becoming! Andrew is the photo of the day!

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