Thursday, September 26, 2013

Pinchy - 269/365

Reagan had an appointment this morning to get her flu shot. 
I have never been big on flu shots, but after the flu went rampant around town last year, we all decided to get them. I don't know if we were lucky, or the flu shot worked, but we made it through. We decided that we would get them again this year, just to be safe. 
We arrived at the doctor around 9:30 and they took her right in. I talked to her a little bit about it on the way there, and just told her it would be a tiny pinch. She did great and only cried for a few seconds, then was her old self again. They gave her a band-aid over her "pinchy". She became quite protective of her band-aid the rest of the day. I asked her several times, if she was ready to take it off. She would get the death grip on her leg and say, "don't take my band-aid off. I need it!" Jim gave her a bath tonight and she held her hand on her leg the entire bath. It was too funny! I always change her diaper before I go to bed, so I pulled it off when I changed her. She did make a groan and put her hand on her leg, but she didn't wake up. Whew! I ended up leaving a sucker on her dresser and if she asks about it in the morning, we're going to tell her the "pinchy fairy" took it because she's all better. And, because she's all better, she left a sucker! We'll see how that plays out. LOL! 
Meanwhile, after her shot, Nana, Reagan and I went to lunch and then stopped in the mall to check out the new stuff at Gymboree. We found a bunch of stuff, which was great, since the last two lines were hideous! Reagan made a little friend named Sofie. They had so much fun while us mom's shopped! 
After the mall, we went and did a quick walk on the three mile trail. It was such a nice day to be out and about! 
When Jim got home, we decided to play outside a little more. He actually dropped me off on the Kirk Road at the trail, while he Reagan and Brinkley went to the experimental farm to look at the animals. I ended up walking from Kirk Road all the way to the experimental farm. It's only four and half miles, but it seems a lot longer. It only took me about an hour and 15 minutes. It was kinda fun! I saw lots of wildlife on my journey. There were a ton of deer wondering around. There was a mom and baby that let me get pretty close to them and take their picture. It was really cool! 
While I was hoofing it down the trail, they bonded with a baby cow and a llama. When they were done playing with the animals they started walking to meet me. It was great to see them! 
 Overall, a great day! 
The photo of the day is Reagan and her band-aid after her flu shot...
The next is my little friend I made on the trail.....

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