Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 - Year THREE! - 1/365

New Years Day, 2015! 
TIME FLIES! It's been two years since we started this little project! It's amazing!
We just cherish our first book and can't wait to start putting 2014's book together. I'm still behind in a few of the blogs, but I have the notes and pictures. I WILL get caught up, I WILL! LOL!
So, we're going to give this yet another go.... it's so fun!
This year, I want to pull out my good camera a lot more, like I did in 2013. I had some great pictures in that book. This year, I felt I relied on the iPhone a bit too much. I also really want to get back into taking quality pictures. 
So, for our first full day in 2015, we didn't really do too much.
This morning, I tried to get some of my Christmas pictures finished up, while Reagan taught Jim how to do her Beados. Which is her most favorite thing in the world right now! LOL!
This afternoon, Jim and Nikki went to take in the Hobbit at the theater. They got there and said they were surprised because it was in a small theater way down at the end of the main hall. It only had about 10 rows of seats in it. Jim said he was shocked. There were quite a few people for the small theater, too. He said they both really enjoyed the movie and were glad they got a chance to take it in!
Reagan and I hung around the house the whole day. I got her little tree in her playroom taken down and went through and organized all the cubbies in her playroom. I finally made some room for her new stuff. It looks GREAT! Now, if it could just stay that way. 
Great first day of 2015!

Jim getting a lesson in Beados...
 Jim and Nikki at the movies!
 Reagan's dress rack finally in it's place, now that the tree is gone!

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