Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Play Date Times Two - 230/365

Today we Reagan and I were having some of the girls over. 
It was going to be a beautiful day, so we blew up a couple of the pools and slip and slide. 
Deanna, Marissa and the girls all got there right at 10 and we had a great visit. The girls had a ball playing together, too.
Little Mike hug in there with everyone, too. We looked over at one point and he had the play tongs for Reagan's BBQ on his face. We howled!
This evening we were going to have a porch party with Ron and Rachel and the rest of the neighborhood crew. We had a really fun night. The kids had a blast.
Reagan was so tired at the end of the day.
Tong face
Brinkley getting some love
The girls cruising the hood
Another picnic

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