Monday, September 30, 2013

Mushrooms - 273/365

Not too awful much going on today. 
Nana, Reagan and I went for a walk, and then to the Dutch Hause. When we got done, we went back to my house. Nana stayed and played with Reagan, while I ran to the grocery store. They had a great time playing on the play set. They must have went down the slide about a million times. 
After I put Reagan down for a nap, I threw some stuffed pepper soup in the crock pot. It turned out delicious! I love stuffed peppers, so this was great and super easy! 
This evening, Jim and Reagan had art class. The project today, was pretty cute. They took a Styrofoam ball, stuck it on a wooden stick and glued fall colored puff balls all over. They were the "leaves". She was so proud of it! 
While they were at art class, I tacked the mowing of the jungle that seemed to grow over night. I had to run the mower over the lawn three times to get it under control. The grass was pretty wet for it not raining for a couple days, so it clumped pretty bad, too. By the time I was done, it was pitch black. It was a total mess!  
When I was mowing, I noticed we, and our neighbors, have these weird mushrooms growing in a couple spots. They were bizarre, we never had anything like that before! 
The photo of the day is our mushroom garden...
 Next, is Nana and Reagan enjoying the slide... 
 Finally, Reagan's masterpiece from art class...

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Browns & Oktoberfestival - 272/365

Yet another busy one today!
 Jim was working at the Boardman Rotary Oktoberfestival. This is their biggest fundraiser of the year. If it goes well, it really helps them donate a lot of money to local charities. 
Luckily this year, they had great weather and Jim said the crowd was huge, which was great. He worked a couple different jobs this year. He took money at the entrance, as well as, working the PA system. He made all the announcements throughout the afternoon. He went out at 6:30AM and didn't get home until 5:00ish. It was a long day for him, but for a good cause. 
Meanwhile, Nana and I were off to Cleveland to watch the Browns take on the Bengals! Papa was sitting this game out. Ed and Pam were joining us, along with my mom's friends, Joyce and Denny, along with their two kids. 
We got to the stadium right at 11:00 and had our tailgate. It was so fun having everyone there, especially Ed and Pam. We hadn't seen them in awhile. We had a great time catching up. 
They were so sweet and ended up bringing Reagan a whole set of the new Wizard of Oz, Happy Meal toys from McDonald's. They are part of the 75th anniversary celebration. They didn't even have to buy, and eat, Happy Meals to get them, but they did have to go to two McDonald's. Reagan was so excited! 
On to the game, the stadium seemed filled with hope, after our win last week. The Browns came out swinging and ended up winning 17-6. Even with, missing two field goals! Boy, do we miss Dawson! Anyway, the win was AMAZING and SUPER FUN! We were just screaming and clapping the whole game! It's so cool to see what a few touchdowns can do for the atmosphere of the stadium! Hoyer is surly becoming the hometown hero. Let's hope he can keep it up and not get hurt. 
Pam kept photo bombing the people sitting right in front of us. It was hilarious! Her little head was right in the middle of their two, every time they took a picture. The lady even ended up posting it on Facebook. Pam is famous! LOL! 
At halftime, we got a bar top table and chatted with Ron and Rachel a bit. It's cool to have them in our section now. 
After the game, we popped in the team shop. Then, went out to meet Zach and his buddies. He had three Bengals fans with him. LOL! 
Reagan had a good day, too! Grandma came to pick up Reagan this morning, then they went and spent the day at her house. Reagan just loves playing with Timmy and Papa. They had a GREAT day! Grandma even got her a little Dora Halloween video. Talk about excited! 
The photo of the day is Jim making his announcements at the fest...
Next is our little crew at the game...
Finally, the girls at halftime...
Last but not least, the Wizard of Oz toys! Thanks Aunt Pam and Uncle Ed! 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Great Wolf & Parker's Birthday -271/365

Another busy one today! 
We woke up around 8:30, grabbed a snack and hit the water park again! 
Reagan just loved it there. She wanted to go straight to the water slides! Grandma played catcher at the bottom while she went round and around. Jim and I decided to hit the two GIANT slides. Adrienne and Greg gave them a go, too! I have to admit being a little nervous. You had to go up nearly three flights of stairs to get up there. You sat down in an inter-tube, the lifeguard gave you the OK and then, you were GONE! They were SO FAST, it was crazy! You came out of the shoot about 100 miles an hour, then suddenly stopped. I tried to hop out of my tube, flipped out and went underwater. I'm not very graceful. LOL! We ended up going a few more times! 
After that, Jim and I decided we would try to stand where the GIGANTIC bucket dumps an avalanche of water. It's on top of a four story, water, tree house. The bucket would fill up every 5 minutes or so, then dump an avalanche of water on the people below. We watched people get dumped on, time and again, so we decided it was our turn. The force of the water was amazing, but it didn't really hurt like we thought it would. After we tried it, we made Adrienne and Jake do it, too! It was a hoot! 
We swam for about an hour and a half, then headed home. We had another birthday party to go to. Today was Parker's second birthday party! Where does the time go? We were just at his pirate party! We've had fun watching Parker grow up and especially, watching he and Reagan form a little friendship. They are really starting to have a good time together. It's so cute! 
Parker's theme was Mickey Mouse, so of course, we were thrilled! Jim, Reagan and I, all wore Mickey shirts to help keep the theme. 
Rachel had everything decorated so cute! The centerpieces were paint buckets, they painted yellow in the shop, put vinyl "happy birthday" stickers, a Mickey and tied balloons to them. Then, they filled them with popcorn! They were too cute! We were lucky enough to bring one home. Reagan already put it in her playroom. They had lots for the kids to do, too. A water table, bounce house, ball pit and of course the swing set. All the kids played so good together. Reagan made quick friends with Rachel's sister's daughter, Jillian. She even said to her "are you like the Jillian I know", referring to her cousin. LOL! The only time there were tears, was over the pinata. They broke it open and all the candy fell out, but they wanted to keep hitting it! 
After the pinata, Parker got his new car! He got a Cadillac Escalade! A couple of the kids tried it out, but the car kept getting put in reverse. They would try to go forward, then get scared when it went backwards. Reagan took it for a little spin around the front yard. She seemed to like it. Won't be long till they are cruising for real.
They had the food catered and it was excellent! The meatballs were everyone's favorite. They were absolutely amazing and I'm not even a big meatball person!
Rachel had the cutest little favors for the kids. Each one got 3D sidewalk chalk. They also got, a little Mickey bag filled with a small coloring book, crayons, candy and cup. It was a great party and of course, Reagan was pooped, yet again.
What a busy couple days!
The photo of the day is Parker celebrating his second birthday!
Here is Parker and Reagan attempting a ride in his new car...
 Next is, Jim, Adrienne, Jake and I getting drenched by the bucket drop. 

Finally, Reagan and Jillian having a little conversation...

Friday, September 27, 2013

Great Wolf Lodge & Evan's Birthday - 270/365

 What a busy day today! 
We started at Gymnastics. Jim was off today, so he got to finally see Reagan in action at Gymnastics. She did great and loved having daddy there to watch. She kept running over to him and giving him high-fives. 
After Gymnastics, we went over to Family Garden day to FINALLY get her hand print on the fence. It was a gorgeous day, so they were able to do it. When we first got there, they were doing their craft. It was an adorable little craft. They were making fall trees out of lunch bags. We cut strips, twisted them and puffed it, so it looked exactly like a tree. They had little squares of tissue paper, that they cut little leaves out and glued them on. It was adorable!
After the craft, it was time to do the hand prints. Reagan did hers just perfect, her fingers were perfectly spaced. They each got to pick a color and she picked white, which went perfectly on the maroon fence. It looks fantastic! It will be wonderful to go and see how her hand grows as we continue to visit the garden. We're so excited! 
After the garden, it was time to head up to The Great Wolf Lodge to celebrate our little nephew, Evan's second birthday! Time goes so fast, we can't believe he is two! He is such a sweet little boy!
The drive was great and we made it in exactly two hours. 
Evan had a nice little group to help him celebrate. Adrienne, Jake, Jillian, Greg, Nikki, Jim, Reagan, Nikki, Andrew, Ally,  Hugh, Alicia, Desmond and I were all there to help him celebrate.
The lodge was BEAUTIFUL! As soon as we walked in the lobby, there were activities for the kids. There was a lady with hula hoops and twisted animal balloons. Reagan was in heaven, she got a pink dog balloon.
We got situated in our room, then were off to the water park. It was huge an there was so much to do! The kids just played and played in the splash pad. They had a great time. 
Eventually, we went over to the water slides. Reagan, Ally and Jillian must have gone down those slides about a million times. They would get to the top, wait for whoever was last, which was usually Reagan, since she's the smallest of the three, and then go. It was so adorable! 
Reagan and Ally, went down the bigger yellow slide. Reagan was a little apprehensive, but we just pushed her on down. Then, she loved it. She was supposed to go on her back, but must have flipped over on her tummy in the tunnel. She wanted to go again, but when we told her she had to stay on her back, she said, "no."
After they played, we were going up to Adrienne and Jake's room to have pizza and cake to celebrate the birthday boy. The kids basically huddled up on the couch and played iPad together. I think they were just resting from our their fun in the water park. They played so hard!
After we sang and the kids helped Evan open his presents, we took them down to the arcade to play some games. Adrienne had gotten the kids each a stuffed wolf, that came with a pre-paid game card to use in the arcade. How nice! They had a ball playing Skee Ball. They were better than the parents. Nikki and I, both flung balls against the fence, that then, made a deafening sound through the arcade! LOL! 
They all earned lots of tickets and turned them in for goodies. Reagan picked out a frog ring, bracelet and some candy! Ally, Andrew and Reagan all got a smarties type sucker, which made a mess of their mouths! Reagan really enjoyed hers. It was so funny!
After the arcade, there was a little show in the lobby. Us adults could not understand one word, but the kids got a kick out of it. We just stood in the back and sipped down a beer. It was a great way to end the evening. What a super fun day. Everyone was pooped! Reagan curled right up with her "friends" and her new friend the wolf. She was out in two minutes!
The photo of the day is Evan enjoying his birthday party....
 Reagan enjoying the water slide...
All the kids with a wolf from the Lodge...
And last, but not least, Reagan and her much anticipated hand print at Fellows Riverside Children's Garden.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Pinchy - 269/365

Reagan had an appointment this morning to get her flu shot. 
I have never been big on flu shots, but after the flu went rampant around town last year, we all decided to get them. I don't know if we were lucky, or the flu shot worked, but we made it through. We decided that we would get them again this year, just to be safe. 
We arrived at the doctor around 9:30 and they took her right in. I talked to her a little bit about it on the way there, and just told her it would be a tiny pinch. She did great and only cried for a few seconds, then was her old self again. They gave her a band-aid over her "pinchy". She became quite protective of her band-aid the rest of the day. I asked her several times, if she was ready to take it off. She would get the death grip on her leg and say, "don't take my band-aid off. I need it!" Jim gave her a bath tonight and she held her hand on her leg the entire bath. It was too funny! I always change her diaper before I go to bed, so I pulled it off when I changed her. She did make a groan and put her hand on her leg, but she didn't wake up. Whew! I ended up leaving a sucker on her dresser and if she asks about it in the morning, we're going to tell her the "pinchy fairy" took it because she's all better. And, because she's all better, she left a sucker! We'll see how that plays out. LOL! 
Meanwhile, after her shot, Nana, Reagan and I went to lunch and then stopped in the mall to check out the new stuff at Gymboree. We found a bunch of stuff, which was great, since the last two lines were hideous! Reagan made a little friend named Sofie. They had so much fun while us mom's shopped! 
After the mall, we went and did a quick walk on the three mile trail. It was such a nice day to be out and about! 
When Jim got home, we decided to play outside a little more. He actually dropped me off on the Kirk Road at the trail, while he Reagan and Brinkley went to the experimental farm to look at the animals. I ended up walking from Kirk Road all the way to the experimental farm. It's only four and half miles, but it seems a lot longer. It only took me about an hour and 15 minutes. It was kinda fun! I saw lots of wildlife on my journey. There were a ton of deer wondering around. There was a mom and baby that let me get pretty close to them and take their picture. It was really cool! 
While I was hoofing it down the trail, they bonded with a baby cow and a llama. When they were done playing with the animals they started walking to meet me. It was great to see them! 
 Overall, a great day! 
The photo of the day is Reagan and her band-aid after her flu shot...
The next is my little friend I made on the trail.....

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Dog Park - 268/365

It was weird waking up without our peanut in the house. 
Nana texted as soon as Reagan got up around 8:30 and she was still doing great! What a relief! 
 She was going to spend the day over there, so I could get some chores and editing done. 
 They ended up having a great day! They played games, legos, and toys, inside. Then later, they went outside to water some plants and do some exploring. They found some Hickory Nuts and Nana split them open.  Nana wanted to show her the inside and what the squirrels eat. Reagan was fascinated! She also spent some time riding her tricycle. She put two pumpkins on the back and took them for a ride. 
Nana and Papa brought her home around 5 and it was so good to see her! She came barreling in the door for her 10 second hug!
We decided since she was feeling good, we'd take Brinkley up to the new Austintown Park, Bark Park this evening. What a cool little place that is. It's a HUGE area for the dogs to run. They even have some agility stations for them to play on, too! There were lots of dogs there and all very well behaved. He mostly made friends with two golden doodles named, Tucker and Dionysus. I think he thought the blonde one was Sadie. LOL! Reagan really enjoyed watching all the dogs run and loved giving them all a pat. She especially got a kick out of Brinkley going through the dog tube. It was a
 fun way to spend the evening.
The photo of the day is Brinkley at the dog park....
 Next is Reagan with her Hickory nuts. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Under the Weather - 267/365

Today started out a little rough. 
Reagan woke up with a little bit of clear spit up in her bed. Last time that happened, it was because she hadn't used the "potty" for a couple days. Well, I realized this may be the case again. We gave her milk and she had another episode.
 Jim's mom was coming over this morning, to take her to music class and spend the day. We decided against music class, just in case she had another episode. Grandma ended up running to the store to get some prunes and prune juice for her. When she got back, she and Reagan curled up on the couch and watched Finding Nemo. 
After the movie, she seemed to be doing OK, so they attempted some lunch around noon. Lunch went badly with some more spit up. That made it three times, so I decided to call the doctor to see if he could get her some relief. Luckily, he was able to see her at 3:30. 
By this time, Reagan looked pretty sleepy, so I ended up just sending grandma home and putting Reagan down for a nap. I think she was half asleep, as I carried her up the stairs. She did talk a little bit when we sat in the chair in her room, but was totally out within 5 minutes. She ended up taking a two hour nap, which was great. She got up just in time to go to the doctors. 
When she did wake up, she was a completely different person. She was happy and running around! Of course this was, AFTER we already had the doctors appointment. 
We got to the doctor and he gave her a clean bill of health. He said she may have a slight stomach virus, but other than that, she was good! He said to give her lots of Pedialyte this evening and start food tomorrow. By the end of the appointment, she was actually back to her old self! It was amazing!
Jim had Doc Group tonight and I had a MOPS meeting. Reagan had, had plans to spend the night at Nana and Papa's, so since she seemed better, we just kept the original plan. Nana texted an update later in the evening saying she was doing great and finally used the potty. I guess after that, she was 100%. Yay! They played toys and had a great time! 
Jim and I had good meetings. 
MOPS was fun! It was the mentor mom panel, so we got lots of great tips and advice from experienced moms. It was great! 
 Overall, the day started out rough, but ended pretty good. 
We're so happy our little one is feeling better!
Here she is during her pitiful.
 Here she is cuddling with Papa after a gallon of Pedialyte and a visit to the potty. LOL!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Morning Friends - 266/365

Not too much going on today. 
This morning, we were all just chilling on the bed. Reagan was all about sharing her "friends" with the rest of us. She took Charlie Horse (who she named herself, with NO help), Mr. Fuzzy and Puppy from her bed and told Jim and I, that we needed to take one for ourselves. She realized Brinkley and Bailey didn't have friends, so she went and grabbed Dora and Boots and gave them to them. She finally said, "There, now everyone has a morning friend." It was TOO CUTE! 
Eventually, Jim went off to work and Nana, Reagan and I, ran a few errands and hit the trail. Reagan brought Mr. Fuzzy along today and he dined at Bob Evans with us. She even shared some of her drink with him! She was very sweet to all her "friends" today. 
This evening, Jim and Reagan had art class. Today, they were painting with apples. They cut apples in half and used them as stampers. She did a great job and came home with another masterpiece to add to her collection. 
 In keeping with the apple theme of the evening, I decided to make my first ever baked apples. I got the recipe from Skinny Taste. It was so easy. You just cut them in half, scoop out the core. Then, in a bowl, mix, oats, brown sugar, flour and butter. Finally, scoop that onto the apples, sprinkle with cinnamon and bake for a half hour. They were delicious! 
The photo of the day is Bailey and his morning friend...
Next, is Reagan at art class...
Finally, my first ever Baked Apple/crisp

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Browns Day - 265/365

We had no commitments today! 
We haven't had a weekend day with no commitments, for who knows how long. It was so nice! 
We got up and had some breakfast. Then, Jim ran to grab a few things at the grocery store for me. I was going to throw a roast in the crock pot for dinner tonight. 
When he got back, we went up to the Mahoning Avenue bike trail and took a little stroll. It was so nice out! We ended up seeing a ton of those Recumbent Tricycles. It must have been a club or something, because there had to be 30-40 of them. It was crazy! One of them even had a little tiny dog in a basket. It was a hoot!
When we were done there, we headed home, got cleaned up and ready for the Browns game. We weren't overly excited to watch, just because of the whole Trent Richardson trade, plus the fact they hadn't won yet. We just had to watch anyway. We popped some popcorn and set Reagan up with all her toys. We had about an hour till it was time for her nap. She played so good, while we watched the game. 
It started out a little rough, but soon enough we were ahead! Jim reminded me that we had been winning at halftime, of the previous two weeks, and not to get too excited! Our third string quarterback, Brian Hoyer, was playing and did an awesome job! 
They ended up beating the Minnesota Vikings 31-27. They scored the winning touchdown in the last two minutes of the game. The Vikings had a chance to come back at the end, but failed! Woo hoo! We still can't believe they won! It was a really fun game to watch! 
This evening, I cut the grass, while Reagan and Jim played on the play set. They got a little game together where they would race up the plank and down the slide to see who could grab her sword, that her Aunt Nikki made her out of a pool noodle, first. It looked like tons of fun! 
The photo of the day is all of us ready to watch the Browns WIN!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Painting & Penguins - 264/365

It was a dreary, gray day today. 
We didn't do much in the morning, just hung around the house. 
This afternoon, Jim was going to attempt the YSU game with his mom and dad. The whole family was supposed to meet up for tailgating, but with a bunch of little ones and a ton of rain, most decided to stay home. 
Luckily for this game, Jim's dad had tickets to a corporate tent. Jim, Greg and Nikki were able to hang out under a giant tent and stay dry. There was a nice buffet, with hot dogs, sausage, beans and salad. They sat and chatted for awhile before heading into the game. 
They started walking about ten minutes till kickoff, and it miraculously stopped raining for them! It never rained another drop during the game. YAY! The game itself was a blow out in YSU's favor! They ended up winning 59-17! 
Jim's mom even caught a giveaway football during the game. She was nice enough to send it home with Jim to give to Reagan. Reagan was thrilled with it and called grandma to say "thank you" later in the evening. 
While they were enjoying the game, Reagan and I just hung around the house. Raymond and Jenny stopped over to deliver some bows they bought for Reagan! They were so cute! There was one with fall leaves and one with a super cool bat. She loved them both! She loves her Uncle Ray and Aunt Jenny!
After they left, we ended up painting pumpkins. It was so fun! 
Reagan picked out some tiny pumpkins awhile back and also some medium sized ones. She had asked me to paint a horse and cow on one and then Dora and Boots on the other. Today was the day to attempt that. 
She started painting her baby pumpkins and did a great job! She only wanted to paint to tops, which was cute. She loved mixing up all the paint, too. I on the other hand, struggled a bit, but in the end, I got Dora done. I am pretty proud of my Dora! She didn't come out too shabby! LOL! 
This evening, it got sunny and nice, so Reagan, Brinkley and I took a stroll around the neighborhood.
It was a pretty good day, despite the ugly, rainy start. 
The photo of the day is Reagan painting her pumpkins....
Next, is my Dora pumpkin...
And last but not least, Jim, Greg and Nikki at the YSU tailgate...

Friday, September 20, 2013

Silly Sliders - 263/365

The day started off kinda rainy and yucky! 
We were hoping to get down to Fellows to finally get Reagan's hand-print on the fence, but it was cancelled again due to weather. I hope they get it in this season. It will be so fun to take Reagan there, every year to show her she helped decorate the garden. Every Spring, we can see how much she's grown. I guess we will try again next week.
Since that was cancelled, Nana, Reagan and I ran a few errands. We had lunch at Friday's and took a spin through Target and Khol's. 
This evening, we were able to squeak in another porch party with Ron, Rachel, Parker and Milana. For dinner, I did some chicken breasts in the crock pot with stuffing. It turned out really good! Rachel brought some Cleveland Browns cupcakes for dessert. YUM! 
After we ate, we went outside and let the kids run. They had the best time! They went up the ramp and down the slide about a million times! They were starting to get a little too brave and tried walking down a couple times! YIKES! They just kept laughing and giggling! They played in the sand a little bit, too. They also played a little bit in the house, where Parker found the tea cups. He made everyone "hot coffee." It was too cute, he just walked around with his little cup saying "hot coffee." Rachel loves her coffee, so she's always telling him at home, "Parker don't touch, that's hot coffee." We had a lovely little visit! 
The photo of the day is Reagan and Parker walking down the slide.
 After they headed home, I gave Reagan her bath. It's a little sad now, when we stand her up on her changing pad, she doesn't fit under it anymore. She's too tall. She even says, "I don't fit under here anymore." She's just growing too fast! I've been wanting to take a picture and finally got around to it today.  

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Shutterbug - 262/365

Nana came over bright and early, to pick up Reagan so they could spend the day together.
I'm still drowning in Alaska pictures. I'm trying to get them cleaned up and sorted, so I can get to work on our photo books. It's just taking forever! 
Nana and Reagan had a great day together. They spent a lot of time playing with some new Ariel Legos, Nana got for her house. They always play with Bonnie, too! 
This evening, Jim, being the best husband ever, went up and cleaned our entire master bathroom, top to bottom. He even did a bleach cleanse for the jets on our jacuzzi tub. That meant filling it up twice, and running it. Just filling it takes forever, but it's sparkling like NEW now! It looks fabulous! 
Nana and Papa took Reagan to dinner at Tippy tonight. Reagan is quite fond of a server named Linda over there. It was pretty slow tonight, so Linda kept coming over to talk with Reagan. One time she stopped over, Reagan said to her, "Linda, you are supposed to be getting our food!" Oh my...patience Reagan, patience....LOL! 
When they dropped her off, Reagan had pulled two giant weeds from the Tippy parking lot that looked like wheat. She was so excited to give them to Jim and I when she got home. 
 Once she got settled, she ran over to grab her new favorite toy, a Sesame Street Camera. You look through the hole, then when you push the button, it spins a wheel in the back, now Elmo is holding a different object. She's been playing with it a lot the last couple days. She made Nana and Papa pose over and over, while we were standing there talking. She would take the picture and then say, "Papa, you got a ball!" It was a hoot! Even after they left, she went around "taking pictures" of everything. It might be time to get her a real toddler camera! 
 The photo of the day is Reagan laying on the floor taking a picture of the ceiling fan... 
The next is Reagan playing legos at Nana's....

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bouncing & Playing - 261/365

Brinkley got a wonderful surprise today! 
Awhile back, he ripped the arm off his favorite duck. Reagan picked out for him for his birthday and was so bummed that it was broke and wanted it fixed. A lot of people offered to fix it, but Jim's mom happened to be over a day or two later, and took it home to try to do surgery. 
Well today, she brought him back and he was good as new! I swear he remembered his favorite duck, because he grabbed it and ran around the living room like crazy!! He played with it the rest of the day.  He was thrilled! It was so sweet of her to go through all that trouble for Brinkley.
Grandma and Reagan had a good afternoon together, while I got some other stuff done. They played with her barn, played makeover in the tent, and read some books. 
This evening, Jim and Reagan went over to Austintown Bounce, while I cut the grass. Jim said there were only two other kids this evening. A little boy that was six and a little girl that was four. Reagan went right over to them and started talking. They became fast friends and they played so good together. They never asked Reagan her actual name, so they just called her, "little girl." They would just say, "Come on, little girl!" They just ran and ran and ran and bounced and bounced! 
After awhile, their dad came over with three balls he had won in the claw machine and gave Reagan and his two kids each a ball. How nice! 
After they left, Jim and Reagan played some video games. Jim was so proud, because it was their first arcade game that they played together! 
When they were done with that, Jim decided to try his luck at a claw game. He had never been able to win anything in one of those before. Well tonight, he won a package of Silly Bands. Reagan just loved them! 
The photo of the day is Brinkley celebrating his mended duck! Thanks, grandma! 
Next, is Reagan holding her silly bands up, at daddy's new favorite claw machine! 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Buddies - 260/365

I love how much Reagan and Brinkley get along. 
He has been the best dog with her and she just adores him, too! 
Today, after running some errands, I was pulling out some old flowers and putting my mums in pots. Brinkley had retreated to a shady spot in the yard, while we were pulling flowers. Suddenly, Reagan yelled, "Oh no! Where Brinkley go?" I said, "Oh honey, he's over under the tree, taking a rest." She ran over, plopped down with Brinkley and Mr. Fuzzy and just relaxed in the yard with him. It was adorable! I grabbed my camera and caught the cutest shot. I love them! 
Earlier in the day, we were in Hobby Lobby getting some paints. I told Reagan we could paint on her small pumpkins. She told me she wants me to paint, Dora and Boots on one. Then on the other, she wants a cow and a horse. Still trying to figure how I will pull that off. LOL! 
ANYWAY, She happened to have some leopard print pants on today with a little leopard print cardigan. We happened to notice these two leopard print pumpkins in Hobby Lobby. Reagan loved them since they matched! When she held them up, you could barely see them. It was a hoot! 
 The photo of the day is Brinkley, Reagan and Mr. Fuzzy relaxing in the yard...
 And finally, Reagan and her stealth pumpkins...