Today was pretty nice.
It was going to be around 50, so Nana, Reagan, Brinkley and I were going to head out for a walk. We got to the three mile trail that runs from Shields to 224. We pulled in and were getting situated. I got Reagan out of the car and was carrying her to the back of the car, when I rolled my ankle on some uneven pavement. I have never felt pain like that before. It actually took my breath away. I was in SO much pain. The pain itself was extremely hot and sharp. I was actually afraid to look, because I was sure bones were going to be sticking out. Poor Reagan asked Nana, "what happened to my Mommy?" since I was just laying there moaning. Nana was trying to get Reagan and Brinkley back in the car, when a SUPER nice man stopped to see if I was OK. He said to me, "boy it's already swelling up, I'll get some snow." He went over and grabbed a hand full of snow and held it on my ankle until Nana had everyone situated.
By this time, another man stopped and they both had to lift me up and pretty much heave me in the car. I was mortified! I wish I could thank those guys again, because they were just SO NICE to stop and help.
On the way to the ER, I was SURE it was broken, it was just throbbing and super hot. We had to run Brinkley back home before we could head over to St. E's, since we didn't know how long we'd be and we didn't want him sitting in the car.
We finally got there and they saw me pretty much instantly. It was so nice. From start to finish, I was probably only there an hour. They read my x-rays immediately and THANK GOD it wasn't broken! YAY! I did not want to start off the Spring with that kind of recovery time. They gave me an air cast and were on our way.
In my family, if there is a crises, it means it's time to go to eat. We went straight to Steamers for lunch! LOL!
Jim came up to the ER to check on me, before he had to head to Columbus for the All Ohio Presidents-Elect Training Seminar. He is the incoming President for Boardman Rotary. Every incoming president in the state of Ohio was attending this training seminar this weekend. Luckily, he did know a few other people there, so he wasn't alone.
He was staying over night, which I hate. I hate being alone in the house, especially with a "broken" ankle! LOL! He got to Columbus safely and situated at the hotel. They were all staying at a Marriott, so he was happy.
They were all pretty excited because the Rotary International President Elect 2014 Gary Huang was the Keynote Speaker for the welcome dinner. Gary picked "Light Up Rotary" as his theme this year. He said that most people want to help, but feel there is nothing they can do. Therefore, they end up doing nothing and sit in darkness. He says with Rotary, if every member lights one candle, then they can light the world. Jim said it was very interesting and he really enjoyed the talk.
The photo of the day is my leg in the aircast...
Next, Gary Huang the Keynote Speaker at Jim's training seminar.