Saturday, April 6, 2013

Confusing Circus - 96/365

Reagan, Jim and I headed down to the circus at the Covelli Center today. 
 We were excited to go and we are always up for something to do! 
In the days leading up to the show, I have started to see some things about the circus that kind of bothered me. But you never know what is going to the extreme and what's not. I told myself just enjoy the show. 
 The show started with a bang and it was really entertaining! There was so much going on, so much color and the music was quite catchy! Reagan was really into it! 
Next, came the little horses...this is where all that stuff started to creep back into my head. There was one horse that just didn't seem "into it" and was a little off cue. Next, they were doing a little bit of a magic trick with some bunnies. They just seemed a little rough to the bunnies for my liking.
 The tigers seemed OK. I don't know much about them, but none seemed mishandled. The guy standing in a cage with EIGHTEEN TIGERS surrounding him, CLEARLY has a screw loose, but who I am to judge him and what makes him happy! LOL! 
The acrobatics are always amazing. There where the tight rope walkers, four people spinning on a huge figure 8 type thing. The most amazing part had to be the lady that got shot out of the cannon. It was SO LOUD and so fast!
 Finally came the elephants. This was where my heart did start to hurt. They are just amazing creatures to watch. Their sheer size is just shocking and watching them do their tricks is stunning, but I must say they looked sad. The elephants at the Cleveland Zoo and Disney's Animal Kingdom look happy to me. I don't know. I have been hearing about these pokers that the trainers use on them and I have to say, I did witness one guy poke one with the stick. I don't know if it's sharp, I don't know if it hurts, but after all I've been hearing, it just bothered me. 
Since we left the circus at 1:30 I must say, I've been thinking about all the circus animals. I don't know if it's a happy life for them. I really, honestly doubt it is. I don't know if we'll go back to see this show. We saw a smaller circus this summer at the Canfield Fairgrounds that also had elephants, and I didn't get the feeling that I did from this one. This one just rubbed me wrong. 
 After all that "complaining", we did have a fun time. It was fun to see the excitement in Reagan's eyes. She danced to some parts and she LOVED seeing the elephants. She really loved the poodles. She was up out of her seat for that part! We really did have a nice family fun time, even though in the back of my mind all day, I just felt like I shouldn't be there and that I was doing something wrong. Like I was supporting something wrong.
The photo of the day is the wonderful elephants.... it's in support of their bravery, strength and a reminder that they are precious. 

On a happier is Reagan at the start of the show!

And here is the loon caged in with 18 tigers!


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