Saturday, November 22, 2014

Brinkley Paint, Urgent Care - 326/365

We were taking Brinkley to his very first painting class today! 
Wonderstruck was having a doggie paint day. You could bring in your dog to paint on pottery, plates, whatever you'd like. We chose a little treat jar to sit on our counter!
Thankfully, there were only two other dogs there at the time, so it wasn't too crazy. We got him to do two perfect paw prints! It worked out great! We wrote his name on it, and decorated it a little bit. It really turned out nice! It was fun!
Reagan wasn't feeling the best, but she still wanted to go. She was complaining of an ear ache as we were leaving. By the time we were finished, she was sobbing that her ear hurt. I felt so bad that her ear hurt, and that she didn't get to enjoy the paint as much as she would have. She just loves Brinkley and getting him to do anything makes her day. 
From there, we took her home and got her settled in some pjs for a nap. She ended up sleeping for two and a half hours. We hoped it would do her good. She woke up OK, but it wasn't long before she starting crying again and started to run a fever. By eight, she was so upset that she made herself throw up, so we whisked her away to urgent care. 
They saw her pretty quickly and diagnosed her with a sever ear ache. They ended up giving her an antibiotic shot in her bum, to help it work more quickly. 
She did finally calm down a bit and they gave her a Popsicle to have, since we had to wait 20 minutes to make sure she didn't have a reaction to the shot. That perked her up quite a bit. Jim ran across the street to Walgreen's to grab a few things while we waited. He ended up bringing her a stuffed My Little Pony doll. She was so excited! 
Hopefully after her shot and a good nights sleep, she'll feel better in the morning. We sure hate when she's sick. She was so pitiful.
Painting Pup!

Reagan helping paint the canister.
Our finished product, before they fired it to make it shiny!
 Another view
 Our sick baby at Urgent Care.
 Enjoying her Popsicle.
 Still a few tears on the way home, but she's clutching her new friend daddy got her. 

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