Thursday, November 13, 2014

WINNER - 317/365

This morning, I had to go up to the school to set breakfast for the parent-teacher conferences. During conferences, some local businesses and mom's donate food for the teachers. I got everything down and was home to get Reagan dressed. She was feeling much better today, so she went off to school. 
She ended up having a good day and felt pretty good. 
She got some great news at school today. She was entered into a drawing, for all her generous sponsors for her Race for Education. They pulled her name today to win a $50.00 gift card for Toys R US! She was so excited to go and pick something out. 
When Jim got home from work, the three of us went up to Toys R Us and she picked out a Tinkerbell dress and a Etch a Sketch. She was SO excited! She looked so adorable. 
This afternoon Reagan and I sat at the table and did her makeup work that she missed from staying home Tuesday. It was so cute to see her doing "homework." I enjoyed working with her on it, too!
When it was time for her nap she was so pooped and absolutely begged to sleep in our bed for her nap. I finally broke down and let her. She passed right out and slept for 2 1/2 hours! She hasn't done that in awhile. I know it's mostly because she's fighting off a minor cold, but still. I'll let her sleep in there everyday if she sleeps that long! LOL!
Here is the awesome breakfast that was provided for the amazing staff at UPSK!
Reagan and her principal, Mrs. Critell
Reagan and her new goodies!
Working on her homework!
Taking a lovely snooze in our bed!

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