Sunday, November 23, 2014

Recovery, Browns and Lots of Cheese! - 327/365

Today we were just going to hang around the house and let Reagan recover from her illness. She seemed like a new person after her medications started working. She was a little bit tired, but all smiles this morning. We just watched a bunch of TV and played a little. 
This afternoon, Jim and I made our traditional veggie and cheese tray for the Browns game. 
They were playing the Falcons and WON 26-24. WOW!  Hoyer was a little shaky during the game, but they ended up pulling it out with a last minute drive. Cundiff, made the game winning field goal, for once! It was a miracle! Brinkley was happy since they scored 26 points. He got lots of celebratory cheese! When we watch games at home, we give Brinkley a cheese cube any time the score! He doesn't get much, so it's quite a treat when he does get some! LOL! 
This evening before bath, we played Reagan's pop up palace game! She beat me fair and square! It was fun! So glad she's feeling better!
Our little one being silly this morning. 
 Game day snacks and Brinkley's celebratory cheese!
 Playing Pop up Palace!

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