Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Patio Pack-Up and a "PeeeeeeeP Show - 315/365

This morning, Reagan woke up with an extremely gunky eye. It wasn't pink, so we don't think it's pink eye, at least we're crossing our fingers. She also had some extreme sneezes, with some unpleasant "presents" with each one, so we decided to keep her home from school today. 
I still wanted to get up to the school and drop off the items we bought yesterday during our shopping spree. I had everything in the back of my car and it was making me nervous. LOL!
When I got back home, Reagan was feeling a little better and the sneezing had slowed down quite a bit with her medicine. We were supposed to meet Ray and Jenny for lunch at noon, so we decided to keep that lunch date. 
We met them at the Cracker Barrel and had a nice little lunch. It was fun catching up.
During our lunch, I decided I had to use the bathroom. I went in, did my business and was finishing up with washing my hands when the door opened. I didn't pay attention right away, but when I looked over, there was an OLD man (90's) standing right by the silver, built in the wall trash can that was DIRECTLY inside the door. By the time it "registered" he was already "whipping it out." The pee was already flowing, so it was too late to say anything and I didn't want to startle him. He was peeing a RIVER down the front of the trash can and it started to make a puddle on the floor. This all happened in probably less than 30 seconds. I hurried around the back of him and out the door. There was an older woman standing outside the bathroom and I asked her if she was looking for her husband. She said yes and I explained the story to her. She went in and retrieved him. I did let the cashier in the store know what happened, so they could have some poor soul go in and clean it up. It was less than two feet inside the bathroom door, so someone could have slipped on the pee puddle. That would have been AWFUL!
I still can't believe that happened! It was so sad and a little funny all at the same time. It's hell getting old!
This afternoon, Nana helped me pack up all the patio furniture in the garage for the winter. It's always so depressing. The patio looks so bare and now the garage is full. We got it all packed up pretty tight, so it doesn't take up that much room. We decided to put Reagan's little outdoor house out by the curb. It was pretty faded and a little moldy in spots from the rain. We put it out there around 3:30 and by 8:30 it was gone. Jim said he saw a guy in a pick-up truck loading it up! We love the garbage night scavengers! LOL! 
Sorry there is no picture of the pee situation. LOL!
Here is the garage all full of SUMMER!
I feel like Olaf... "Let's go bring back SUMMER!"

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