Sunday, April 6, 2014

Travel Day and Baby Animal Shower - 96/365

It was travel day home. 
We were ALL dragging from all our fun. 6:00 AM came around quick. It was worth it though to stay out late and party with Keith Urban! 
Jenny had a limo come and take us back to the airport. The driver was nice and was originally from Cleveland. We chatted with him a bit. He said he had driven all kinds of famous people, but that Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce were the worst, because you weren't allowed to look at them or talk to them. WTF!? LOL! 
Our flight was uneventful. Jenn, Pam and I zonked out. Nana just looked out window and listened to music. We landed in Pittsburgh and were home in no time. Raymond was at our house waiting for Jenny. He, Jim, Reagan, Brinkley and Dexter were on a little walk waiting for us. It was so cute! They were all happy to see us! We were happy to see them, too! 
This morning, Jim, Reagan and grandma went out to the Experimental Farm for the Baby Animal Shower. It was a beautiful day and they really enjoyed it. Reagan got to pet all the animals. She loved the duck, bunny and piglet. After they checked out all the animals, they went in and had some cake and colored a little bit. They had a great afternoon! 
The photo of the day is Jim, Reagan and Grandma at the Baby Shower.
Next, Pam, Jenny and I zonked out on the plane. Photo courtesy of Nana....LOL!

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