Sunday, April 13, 2014

Breakfast with the Easter Bunny - 103/365

This morning we were up early to head up to the Akron Zoo! 
We were having breakfast with the Easter Bunny! The weather was even more beautiful than yesterday, nearly 80 degrees. YAY! They always do such a great job with their events, too! They have a wonderful buffet with eggs, pancakes, potatoes, bacon, sausage, pastries and juices. YUM! 
After breakfast we visited with the bunny and did some crafts. They got to make an Easter bunny mask and a lamb with paper plates and cotton balls. Too cute! 
Next up was the egg hunt! They escorted the little ones to an area in the zoo and set them loose. They collected their eggs, then got to turn them in for prizes. Reagan was thrilled about getting some "yummy yummies!" 
Once the event was over, regular admission to the zoo opened, so we just stayed and checked everything out. We had a great afternoon. It was just beautiful!
First Reagan and her crafts...
Next, Reagan checking out the Flamingos!
Finally, Reagan is Twitter famous! 
She made it onto their Twitter account. 
Too cool! 

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