Sunday, April 27, 2014

Lemonade Purchase - 117/365

This evening I was getting ready to mow, when I noticed the neighborhood kids had set up a lemonade stand on the corner across the street. I went in the house, grabbed some money and Reagan. Jim and I sent her over all by herself to get a cup. She was so proud of herself. It was her first transaction. Lol! She did forget to give them the money, so we had to send her back over. It was too cute. The kids didn't even question her. She loved the lemonade, too! 
We also noticed today, her plants in her princess greenhouse, SHOT UP. Seriously, they were barely peeking out of the dirt this morning, and by this evening, they were an inch tall. They are cosmos, which are known to grow fast, but my goodness! She loves checking out her plants everyday. They are all doing well. 
The photo of the day is Reagan after her purchase. 
Next, her amazingly fast growing plants...


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