Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Youngstown Rotary - 106/365

Today was fun for Jim. 
He got to go to the Youngstown Rotary meeting. He went because they are starting a new district wide program called the Gold Star Families. The program will help benefit families who lost someone in war. 
Jim said he enjoyed visiting another club's meeting to see how they do things. He got to visit with Stifel colleauge, Scott, who happens to be the President of Youngstown Rotary. As well as, his old college buddy, John, who is also in the club. 
Jim said the meeting was interesting and that he was happy he got to go. Rotary is known for doing a lot of good, but also having fun and spicing things up a bit in certain clubs. Youngstown is no different than Boardman. They had their meeting set up as the Tonight Show, where Scott played Jimmy Fallon and interviewed people. It was a hoot! 
The photo of the day is Jim and Scott at the "Tonight Show." 

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