Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Fireside Chat - 91/365

Tonight was Boardman Rotary's Fireside Chat at Alberini's in Boardman. 
As the current Vice President, Jim was in charge of putting on the event. It's basically a talk for all new members to gain insight of the club, how it works and how it benefits the community. Jim said they got a wonderful turnout of new members, as well as lots of support from longtime members. He was very pleased with how everything went. 
Reagan spent the day with Nana while I got a few things done, including a MUCH needed haircut. I don't think I had gone since January. I was looking like a sheepdog! LOL! 
Nana and Reagan had a great time. They played outside and Reagan helped Nana feed all her outside critters. Nana was the "peanut girl" and Reagan was the "seed girl. Fun times!
The photo of the day is Jim, along with the rotary incoming executive board: 
Mason, Celeste, Jim, Terry, and Jay. 
Next, Reagan feeding the critters...

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