Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Grandma Visit & MOPS - 112/365

Today, Nana and Reagan were going to spend the day together, since Nana will be heading to the beach soon. Nana doesn't like when she doesn't get to see Reagan. LOL! 
They started at Bob Evan's for breakfast. Then, took a ride down to Salem to visit Great Grandma Downard in Rehab. Grandma is doing well and was SO EXCITED to see Reagan! It made her day! 
After that, they came back to Boardman and ran a few errands with a stop at Menchies...Reagan's FAVORITE! This evening, they had dinner at Nana and Papa's and Reagan and Papa played the world famous cupcake game! They had a great time.
This evening, Jim and Brinkley went for a walk, and I headed off to my MOPS meeting. Tonight, the mentor mom's were putting on a dinner party for us. Our dues were waved and no one had to bring food. They set round tables with table clothes, centerpieces and even got us little lotions as favors. It was so nice. They had cucumber sandwiches, fresh blueberry and apple cinnamon bread, pasta salad, pinwheels, nuts mix and brownies and graham cracker marshmallows for dessert! YUM!
We didn't have to sit at our assigned tables, so it was fun to be able to talk with other mom's you don't see very much! I got to sit with Paula, Jonai, Deanna and Marissa which was so nice and got to meet three new mom's, too. It was fun!
Next, the darling centerpiece from MOPS. 

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