Thursday, April 10, 2014

Belated Birthday Dinner - 100/365

Today, I had a bunch of stuff to get done, so Grandma came over for her play day with Reagan. 
They had a good time. Reagan made her spend most of the day "baking cupcakes" in her Sofia Castle! LOL! 
This evening, Nana, Reagan and I were meeting Carol, JoAnn, Pam and Kris for dinner. We originally were going for Aunt JoAnn's birthday back in March, but we got a blizzard the night we were supposed to go, so we finally rescheduled for tonight. We had a great time laughing and catching up! Carol was even so sweet and brought Reagan a huge Sofia coloring book! Good times! 
 Jim and Brinkley took advantage of the nice weather and went for a walk! 
Photo of the day is the girls...
 Next, Reagan and Grandma baking cupcakes...

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