Wednesday, May 28, 2014

One Hot Cookie Date - 148/365

Today, Jimmy headed off to work and we started at Gymnastics. 
After Gymnastics, Nana, Reagan and I headed off to Petitti's to grab a couple more flowers. Reagan was being a little rambunctious, so I was going to put her in the kid's seat on the cart. Somehow, as I was putting her down in there, she ended up laying back and just relaxed for a couple seconds, it was too funny! She was good the rest of the trip. We got our flowers and were on our way. 
Next, we were heading down to V2 to meet Raymond and Jennifer for lunch. They had a couple of doctor's appointments this afternoon, so were able to meet us! YAY! We love family fun! We had a nice lunch and the food was fabulous! 
After lunch, we of course, had to hit One Hot Cookie. Reagan and Nana had never been there, so they were excited! We each got a cookie to eat there. Reagan insisted we bring her daddy one, and Nana brought Papa one. The cookies are just to die for! They are wonderful! 
This evening, I was getting Reagan ready for her bath and I dropped something down behind her changing table. We don't put her up there anymore, but it's a landing pad for all kinds of stuff. We have lost a ton of stuff back there in her three years. I decided to try to pull out the middle portion and see if I could retrieve anything. I couldn't get it all the way out, so I dropped Reagan back there and she collected all the goods! She was so excited to have her pink comb back! She's such a great helper!
First, Reagan taking a rest at Petitti's
Next, the crew at One Hot Cookie..
Finally, my little explorer...

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