Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Salvation Army Dinner - 134/365

This evening, Jim was attending a Salvation Army Civic Dinner at the Lake Club with some other fellow Rotarians. 
Boardman Rotary was receiving the Distinguished Community Service Award this evening. The club, over the past ten years, has been able to donate over $400,000 to local projects in the community, thanks to their two biggest fundraisers, Oktoberfest and the Pancake Breakfast. Jim is so proud to be apart of a club that does such good for the community. He said he had a really nice time and was happy to be apart of it.
 While he was doing that, Nana, Reagan, Raymond, Jennifer and I went and had dinner at the Phoenix this evening. We had a great time chit chatting and even bumped into the Musilli Crew! It was fun chatting with them, too! Good day for all!
Next, all of us at dinner....

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