Thursday, May 1, 2014

Tales for Tots & Travel - 121/365

This morning, Reagan and I went to Tales for Tots before we set off for the beach. 
The topic was snakes. Reagan always says she hates snakes, so I wasn't sure how that would go over. Surpirsingly, she did great! She held a real snake egg and touched a snake! She was so proud of herself! They made a cute snake craft out of a paper plate, too! We just love that little program! 
After tales, Reagan and I got the car washed and went home to finish getting ready to go. Jim got home a little after two and we were on the road! The drive went pretty smooth and we only had to stop once! I was so proud of Reagan, she said she had to use the bathroom five minutes before the place we usually stop, so it was perfect! We stopped, ate at our favorite Wendy's, filled up and were on the way! She watched a bunch of movies on the way, she was in heaven. 
We did almost get into a terrible wreck, though. We came up over a hill in a mountain and the traffic was at a complete stop. Other people were shocked at the stopped traffic, too. Cars were scattering everywhere. Jim had some quick moves, found a gap and went for it. We escaped unscathed, thankfully! 
We got to Greensboro around 10:30 and settled in for the night. This was Reagan's first trip where she didn't sleep in a pack n' play. She ended up sleeping on the pull out couch in the room. It was so sweet to see her so tiny in a big pullout bed. She went right to sleep, too! What an eventful day!
The photo of the day is Reagan asleep on her first vacation out of a pack n' play!
Next, her checking out the snake at Tales for Tots...

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