Saturday, May 10, 2014

Bye Beach - 130/365

It was our last afternoon at the beach, before we head for home. 
I got up early and did my solo shelling walk, while Reagan and Jim slept in. This morning, there seemed to be a lot of interesting stuff going on. I was finding lots of cool stuff, when I stumbled on a teeny tiny starfish. He was so stinking CUTE! I scooped him up and checked him out. I noticed his underside was moving around. I was happy to see he was, in fact, alive. After I took some pictures, I put him back in the water. Hope the little guy makes it. He was so amazing to see. 
Once Reagan and Jim got up, they met me in the inlet for a little exploring. We caught another blue crab, along with more black snails. Reagan was excited! 
After that, we went up to hit the pool one more time, before heading up to finish packing. 
Papa always gets the condo for an extra night, so we can all hang around most of the day instead of rushing out before 11. That way, we can usually stay till around two, and still make it to Beckley for a late dinner! It works out great!
We headed out and had a pretty uneventful drive. Reagan napped and watched movies. She was perfect!
We got to Beckley right on schedule, dined at Applebees and hit the hay, before our last five hours into home tomorrow. 
Another amazing trip in the books! 
The photo of the day is my little starfish friend....

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