Thursday, May 29, 2014

Parker's Baseball - 149/365

This evening, we were going to Parker's T-ball game. He had been playing for a while and we've been wanting to go, so we finally made it up there tonight. They play right at McCune Field up in Canfield, so it was close. 
We got there as they were getting all warmed it. It was so cute to see all the little one's running around. Ron was the coach, and did a great job. 
Once the game got underway, it was so cute to watch them play. The outfielders had little things they would yell in their tiny voices. Parker kept yelling something that sounded like, "second base." It was too cute. When a little one would get a hit, the whole team would go chasing the ball. It was too funny! 
In the end, Parker's team ended up winning, I believe! 
After the game, we went over to the concession stand to chat for a little bit and got the kids some ice cream cones. Reagan was in heaven because it was vanilla with Sprinkles, her FAVORITE! It was such a nice evening watching the little ones!
Go Team McHenry Industries!
Next, the kids and their ice cream

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