Friday, May 16, 2014

Kathleen Madigan - 136/365

Today, we went to the Cracker Barrel for lunch with Raymond. Reagan insisted on wearing her Tinkerbell wings and Elsa crown to lunch. It was the funniest thing! She LOVED it! She looked adorable, too! We were busting. 
After lunch, we headed out to Chuck's Greenhouse to check out their hanging baskets. They are always so huge. It's awesome. Reagan had fun this time, because they had two puppies that were barely a year old. The puppies loved her and gave her lots of kisses. She was in heaven! 
This evening, Reagan was going to be spending the night at Grandma and Papa Greg's while we headed off to Cleveland. We were seeing Kathleen Madigan tonight. Super fun! 
 Nana, Papa, Jim and I had dinner at the Blue Wolf on the way into town. We just love it there, especially the Canyon Chips! YUMMY! 
 We got into town with no trouble, except a little parking issue. Jim and Papa dropped us off while they headed over to a deck. It worked out just fine! We were meeting Raymond, Jennifer and two of Jennifer's friends. 
Kathleen was HILARIOUS! She made fun of just every day news stories, and cruises. She went on a comedy cruise and had never cruised at all before. She was joking how amazing the ships were. She told a story about a friend, who had also never been on a cruise, who was asking all about it. Kathleen told her it would just be like standing in the Bellagio in Las Vegas and it just floated away. It was a hoot. It was a great show and we really enjoyed it!
Reagan had a great time at Grandma and Papa Greg's. They played lots of games and read stories. Chased Timmy, too! 
The first is Reagan at lunch with her wings and crown. 
Next, Reagan with her puppy pals
Next, Nana and I at Kathleen Madigan waiting for Jim and Papa
Finally, Reagan and Papa Greg playing some games. 

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