Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Lunch and Feed "Mine Fish" - 140/365

Today, we were lucky enough to have a lunch date with Raymond. 
He was off work, so we met up to go to Salvators! None of us had been there for awhile and we just love their pizza bread! We had a great lunch and Reagan just loved having Uncle Raymond out and about with us. She even wanted to hold hands with him as we walked to the car. It was so sweet! 
When we were on our way home, pulling around the bend onto our street. Reagan started yelling that she could see the goldfish in the pond. She asked Nana if she would go down and "feed mine fish" with her. Nana had never been down there, so she was happy to go! Reagan is getting quite the arm on her. She can toss that bread pretty good! :) 
The first photo is Reagan and Raymond leaving lunch... 
Next, Reagan and Brinkley feeding the fish....

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