Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Parson's Table - 126/365

It was another beautiful day today.
Jim and I decided to take a nice long walk on the deserted part of the beach. Nana and Papa have been walking it every day to the pier, so we thought we'd give it try, too! We decided to take it easy and just kind of look for shells and stroll. It took us nearly two hours, but we made it down to Sea Watch. Woo hoo! We didn't find an amazing shells, but it was a fun walk none the less. 
This evening, we were having dinner at the Parson's Table. It's a really neat restaurant in Little River that was originally an old church. It still has all the original stained glass windows, too. It's beautiful! We had a great relaxing dinner. 
The photo of the day is us at dinner...

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