Friday, March 22, 2013

Bananarama - 81/365

On our quest to be more healthy and try weed out processed food as much as we can, we got a Yonana Machine. It turns frozen fruits into "ice cream". The best thing about it is you don't add any milk or sugar, just your fruit. They recommend you use bananas to give it that creamy ice cream texture, but you don't have to. You can do other fruits such as pineapple and mangoes without bananas and get kind of a sorbet. So far we've done banana and frozen strawberries mixed together...DELICIOUS! It came with a whole recipe book with some to die for flavors. 
We only tried once because we didn't have any bananas ready. I've since stocked up...LOL! You use a whole banana per bowl, so to have enough for the three of us to always be ready, we had to buy a ton. They recommend you wait till they have a few brown spots to peel and freeze. Apparently that's when they are at their sweetest. We've been waiting a few days for the bunches to turn brown, so we can really put it to good use! They looked pretty good today, so this evening I spent about 20 minutes peeling and putting them in containers for ice cream time! Looking forward to tomorrow!
 The photo of the day is our massive amount of bananas and our Yonana machine.


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