Saturday, February 2, 2013

Adrienne in Action - 33/365

Today we headed up to Twinsburg to watch Jim's sister, Adrienne, take the stage in a performance of The Music Man. The Music Man is the story of a sleazy salesman who turns his life around after finding love with the librarian. 
Adrienne played the role of Maud Dunlop, extremely well. She had at least three costume changes, including a big hat, yoga outfit and a toga. She rocked the toga! The whole production was fantastic with a cast of nearly 200 people! Adrienne was the star of the show for us and we were thrilled to be able to see her in action! 
We also had a yummy dinner at the Blue Canyon Kitchen to kick off the evening. All in all, a perfect day! 
The photo of the day is us with Adrienne. We're so proud of you! ♥

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