Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Lights, Camera, Say Cheese! - 36/365

I'm SO EXCITED! Today, I got some studio grade lights to play around with! Now I can have the perfect lighting all the time, any time! YAY! I have been wanting these forever and after hoarding some gift cards, I was able to make my purchase today! I got them home and immediately tried them out. I love them! 
I managed to get them all set up and working properly just in time to take a handsome little boy's Valentine pictures. I can't give names because it's a surprise for his mama. I'm not friends with the her on Facebook (so sorry friends) but Youngstown is a SMALL town and who knows, who knows who! LOL! I hope to share the pictures soon. 
Brinkley was happy to demonstrate my new "studio".  My new lights are the photo of the day....


  1. Can I borrow the lights when you are not using them? I need to work on my tan!

    Ace out!
