Monday, February 11, 2013

Happy Birthday, Reagan! - 42/365

Today our little girl turned TWO! It's unbelievable how fast the time goes. It honestly feels just like yesterday that  we were scared to death at the hospital, holding this tiny little person we had no idea what to do with. Now, we have this beautiful little girl that spends the day singing! 
We started the day by taking a picture, of course, then we had some yummy breakfast. Reagan dined on strawberries and "Oh-ga" (yogurt) her favorite! We then headed out with Nana to run some more birthday errands and had lunch at Salvatores. 
When daddy got home from work, we got a visit from grandma and grandpa Cvetkovic a few minutes. They stopped by to drop off a card and some cupcakes! YUM!
 Next, we headed down to take a few more birthday pictures with her balloons. To celebrate her awesome behavior, we went straight to opening presents! She had a few from mommy and daddy and a couple from Nana & Papa. She was so excited to open presents! She has a bit of OCD though, and wanted to throw away each piece of paper she ripped. She kept saying, "I frow dis in twash". After a lengthy present session, finally, came the yummy ice cream cake and cupcakes. Reagan absolutely loves ice cream and calls it "cake" so it was perfect. We spent a little time playing with her new toys, and finally ended the day with our usual, bath, book and singing. 
All in all, I think she had a fabulous day! She is just a little sweetheart and we can't get enough of her. We are so proud of her and are just so excited to watch her grow. 
I just wish I could freeze this goes so fast! 
Happy SECOND Birthday, Reagan! We love you! ♥