Friday, February 1, 2013

Cat Nap - 32/365

Our cat Brandy, is like THE LAZIEST cat on the planet. She does nothing but lay in her blanket, all day, everyday! Most of the time she gets up about 3:00pm and moves to the dining room to lay in the sun beams. Then around 4:30 she stands in the kitchen and meows until you give her dinner. When she's done, she jumps up on the the back of the couch to sleep.
 90% of the time you can find her on or around the couch. She loves when we take our nice warm fluffy blankets and form like a birds nest for her. She will sit in that "nest" forever! We do it every night before we go to bed. I didn't end up leaving the house today and every time I looked, she was still curled up in that blanket. She did NOT move ALL day! ALL DAY! She was in the nest when Jim left for work and she was still in it around 4pm. 
We do love our little Brandy girl. She has had a rough go of it over her little life. She had pretty severe kidney problems for awhile which caused her to be on home dialysis, which was NOT fun. Knock on wood, she's been pretty healthy for the last couple years. She's going on 13 years old, so I suppose she can curl up in her blanket as much as she wants. I think Jim and I are just a bit jealous she get's all that "blanket" time. LOL! She is our photo of the day.

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