Thursday, February 21, 2013

Ghost Hunters - 52/365

This evening Jim finally got to enjoy one of his Christmas presents...LOL!
 For a long time we had been HUGE fans of the television show Ghost Hunters on SyFy, so when I saw they were coming to Cleveland, I had to get Jim tickets for Christmas!
 We would sit and watch five or six episodes in one sitting...even episodes we had seen before. We bought shirts and have most of the DVDs. We were even lucky enough to be down in Disney one time when Steve and Tango were doing an appearance. We got to meet them and have our picture taken. It was great!
We have kinda got out of watching Ghost Hunters since Reagan came along. We have found that since the show is all in the dark and they whisper a lot, we tend to fall asleep during the show these days. LOL! We still keep up with them via Facebook and Twitter though. 
So finally tonight, Steve and Jason were doing a presentation at the Palace Theater. We started the evening by having dinner at Nicolinni's. Then had drinks at a restaurant next to the theater. 
The presentation itself was fabulous! For two guys standing on a stage talking about the fact that there MAY be ghosts, it was extremely entertaining. It was almost like we went to see a comedian because we literally laughed out loud the whole time. They talked about some of their clients and how they never know what they are walking into. For example, they said they went to one house where the lady let them in and was talking with them at the table. Then she went into the kitchen and came back with a pan ready to hit them because she FORGOT she let them in! 
 They played a lot of EVPs and showed some video evidence as well. They showed a scene where Jason left a camera running in his room on a case, while he was trying to fall asleep, and the light came on next to his bed. He popped up and just stared at the light and kinda held his pillow as a weapon. It was too funny! 
They ended the show with a pretty long Q&A which was fun, too! We really enjoyed our night out and were really happy we went. Merry Christmas, Jimmy! Xoxo 
Steve and Jason are the photo of the day! 

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