Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day - 45/365

Today is Valentine's Day!
 I woke up around 6:30 to Jimmy carrying a huge box into the bedroom. He thought I was sleeping, but I wasn't...LOL! I said "what is that big box?" He said, "Why are you awake? It's a Valentine's Day present for us!" We had "agreed" on a no presents pact since we have some extra trips planned this year. Obviously, he didn't follow that rule! I opened the box and it was a brand new Keurig Machine...YAY! Ours has been acting up for sometime now, so I think it was on it's last leg. It's so fun to have a brand new shiny one on the counter! 
My card was awesome, too! When you open it, it sings a Rascal Flatts song. Now what can be BETTER than that!? 
 I didn't quite follow the rules either, I ended up getting Jim a WII game called Disney Universe. Hee hee.
All in all it was a very nice Valentine's Day and I got to spend it with my two favorite sweethearts. 
Our new Keurig and my card are the photo of the
 day. Happy Valentine's Day!

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