Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sleigh Ride - 40/365

We went on a little adventure today! Awhile back, I had discovered a little place called Ma & Pa's. It's a tiny little colonial house with a gift shop and they offer sleigh rides all winter, and carriage rides in the summer. I had signed up to receive their "snow alerts" which will tell you when they are heading out.  I finally just got one the other day, so I called and got us an appointment for today. 
I was a little nervous leaving home, because all our snow was pretty much melted. I was thinking "how can we do a sleigh ride with no snow!?" As we kept going north the snow seemed to be holding steady and by the time we got there, they had at least a couple inches still on the ground. YAY! 
We arrived, hopped out of the car and spotted the stunning horses. They were HUGE, gorgeous animals! There were four horses and two sleighs. We ended up in the green sleigh which was the first one in the ride. That was nice because Reagan could see both sets of horses. I think she really enjoyed it and Jim and I did, too! It was a really nice relaxing ride through the beautiful country side. It's something we would all do again! Us in our sleigh is the photo of the day!
We finished our day with a trip to the Eastwood Mall to check out the fish since we were already on 422. We ended up riding the little train they have, which was also super fun. Each little car has a speaker with jammin' music...LOL! We finally grabbed a bite to eat at Fuddruckers! Perfect day!

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