Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bag Lady - 44/365

So THIS is how our spare bedroom has looked for nearly a week and a half. If someone walked in there, they would most certainly call me the bag lady. I like organization, so this mess was driving me BONKERS. I'm so weird that every night Reagan's toys in the living room and her playroom have to be picked up and organized. LOL!
 Anyway, in that pile of madness was all stuff for Reagan's party. I have been slaving away on the centerpieces and little signs, but this is all the purchased items that haven't been organized yet. I spent the morning organizing and sorting that major mess. All the plates and napkins, banners, and other ready made decorations are now all in their own boxes packed up ready for travel to Fair Park.
My pile of bags is the photo of the day.....

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