Sunday, February 10, 2013

Congratulations Musilli Family!- 41/365

I had the special honor to take a very important photograph for a good friend today! 
Rachel and Ron, our neighbors and good friends, are expecting their second baby in August! YAY! Rachel asked if I would take a few pictures for their family to help announce their big news! Of course, I said YES! We started here at the house and used my new lights to take a few of Parker in his big brother shirt, first. Then we went down the street and took one outside to "add up" their family. They were perfect subjects and I only took 4 before we "got it"! The picture came out fabulous! 
We all love it! 

Congratulations guys, we're so happy for you! Can't wait to meet the new addition! ♥ 
 They are my photo of the day!

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