Friday, February 8, 2013

Frigid Flag - 39/365

The last couple days have been pretty much like Groundhog Day around here. Wake up, work on the party, go to bed. It makes for some tough photo of the day possibilities. I hope I'm not having "photographers block" already. I'm only 39 days in. LOL! 
Today the news was all about the huge winter storm ("Nemo" as the Weather Channel is calling it...whatever) that's pummeling the East Coast. New York City was expected to get between 12-18 inches, and Boston is expected to get nearly TWO FEET of snow! WOW!
 Here in Youngstown, we weren't affected by "Nemo", but the winds were quite blustery. I could hear the house creaking from the wind all day. Luckily, we only got a dusting of snow, which was good news. Jim, awesome daddy that he is, braved the wind and still took Brinkley for his walk. He said Brinkley's fluffy hair was blowing all over the place but the pup didn't seem to mind. Thankfully, we're nearly half way through February so the yucky winter days, will soon come to an end. 
Today's photo is our American Flag being tossed about in the wind.
Not the best, but hey, it's a picture! LOL!

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