Monday, February 4, 2013

Walking in a Winter Wonderland - 35/365

Jim is such a great daddy to Brinkley. He ALWAYS makes sure Brinkley gets to go outside whatever the day and whatever the weather. Brinkley gets over walked sometimes in the summer because my mom and I walk every morning around 8, then in the evenings, Jim, Reagan and I go to a wooded trail and "hike". The winter poses some challenges for outdoor sports, especially with a little person, so Jim always makes sure Brinkley gets some form of exercise even if it's just throwing the ball in the backyard. Most of the time though, they go for at least a 10 minute walk down the street. Brinkley really appreciates getting to stretch his legs and he's always so happy when he comes home. If Reagan and I are playing he comes bounding in, wagging his tail, almost like he wants to tell us he had fun. 
 The photo of the day is Jim and Brinkley heading out for their stroll.....
Brinkley says "Thanks, daddy!"

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