Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Annual Passholder Magnet - 344/365

Today was a busy morning! 
 I had my MOPS meeting and it was my table's turn to bring the food. Since it was the morning meeting, we were doing breakfast. I had planned on making a breakfast casserole, but when I woke up, I didn't have the energy. I made a quick dial to Bob Evans and ordered a bunch of pancakes. When I went to pick them up, I realized they messed up the order and I only had 20 pancakes. In a panic, I scrambled to find something else to bring. There is a Dunkin Donuts close by, so I ran in there and got some assorted bagels. I ended up being about 10 minutes late for the meeting, but it all worked out. We didn't have a speaker or anything today, so we were just able to chit chat at our tables. It was nice! 
 This afternoon, Reagan and I just played and then we both took naps. I was still SO tired from our trip. I actually put pajamas on and went up in the bed, it was that serious of a nap. LOL! Reagan and I both, just passed out. LOL! 
 This evening when Jim got home from work, we just hung around the house. We played a game of Candy Land and had some dinner. 
 Jim went out to get the mail and was excited when he came back in. Mickey had sent us some Annual Passholder information. We are still so excited to be annual passholders. In our little packet, was an annual pass magnet we had seen on some cars down at Disney. We really wanted one, but all the cast members we asked, didn't know how to get one, or even what we were talking about. It was SO EXCITING to have it show up in the mail! Woo hoo! 
 The photo of the day is our new Disney World Annual Passholder Magnet.
Eppie Adventure - ironically, hanging with Mickey

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