Saturday, December 28, 2013

Jingle Bell Run - 362/365

Today, I was going to run my second 5K! 
It was the Jingle Bell Run to benefit cancer research. It was nice because it was right at the Canfield Fairgrounds. It was such a GORGEOUS day for a December run, sunny and 45! It was great! Nearly 500 people showed up to run, it was a little intimidating. I just told myself, I wanted to beat my time of 40:06 from my first 5K, a couple weeks ago. I was missing my running buddy, Rachel, too. She has some other stuff she had to take care of, so she couldn't make it. 
 They started a little after one, and we were off. The course was a little flatter than the last one, which made it nice. Everyone spread out pretty quickly, then little groups formed. I was with the same group of people the whole time. We kept getting in front of each other, than falling behind again. 
The track was great, because you kept looping around, so I was able to see Jim and Reagan about halfway through. It was a nice momentum boost to see them clapping and waving to me. 
When I was finally coming down the home stretch, I could see the clock and I was thrilled to see a 37 hanging out there. I gave the last minute push and came in at 38:10. I was able to shave two minutes off my time! I was so proud!! Hopefully, I can keep improving with every one I do! 
 This afternoon, we took a little rest, then went over my mom and dad's to do our gift exchange with them. We had a little miscommunication, though. They were heading to our house and we were already at their house. It was too funny! When we finally found each other, we chowed down on a Wedgewood Pizza and then opened our presents. Everyone got some great stuff! My mom loved a little frame I made for her of our Matchbox Twenty Cruise. Papa loved his Flynn Tires gift card...LOL! One of Jim and I's favorite gifts was tickets to see Jillian Michael's in Pittsburgh. We can't wait!! We love watching the Biggest Loser, she's just awesome! Reagan loved her Doc McStuffins Check-up Center. It was such a nice, quiet, fun evening. I forgot my camera, so I don't have any pics though. :( 
Anyway, it was a perfect way to end our family Christmas season. We are so thankful for everything we received this year from everyone. We are truly blessed! 
 The photo of the day is me finishing my run!
Next, my first official bib number, shirt and my jingle bell. 

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