Monday, December 16, 2013

Chugga Chugga Choo Choo - 350/365

Kind of a busy day today.
 Jim went off to work, and Reagan and I hung around the house this morning. I did a little online shopping and she played. This afternoon, Nana came to pick her up, while I went to get my hair colored. My grays were out of control! LOL! 
After I was done there, I went to run a few Christmas errands, then headed home. 
 Nana and Papa were going to take Reagan to dinner at Stonebridge before they brought her home, so Jim and I thought it would be the perfect time to put together her train table for Christmas. She is all about train tables. Everywhere we go that has one, you can't pull her away from it. I can't wait to see her face Christmas Morning! We figured it would be easier to just have it put together on Christmas morning, instead of her hanging over us while we tried to build it. 
 We took it down in the basement to put it together. It was kinda fun hanging in the Browns room again. We haven't been down there in awhile! Anyway, we spread everything out and things were going pretty good. We got it put together pretty fast and only made one boo boo. There was a bag of screws that had two sizes in it, which we didn't realize at the time. We ended up screwing a couple of the long ones through a short screw hole. It poked some holes through the front of the table. WOOPS! We figure we'll just let her cover them up with a couple Thomas the Train stickers. She won't mind, we hope! 
 The photo of the day is the finished train table.
 Eppie Adventure - stealing Reagan's suckers.

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